How to Attract, Recruit, and Retain Gen Z Talent in the Digital Economy

 In the fast-paced digital world, organisations are facing a pressing need for skilled tech and digital talent. As we progress further into the digital era, Gen Z emerges as the generation poised to lead the workforce. Born after 1996, these digital natives have grown up with technology, making up 30% of the workforce by 2030. However, attracting, recruiting, and retaining Gen Z talent requires understanding their unique preferences and priorities. Let's explore some strategies to engage this tech-savvy generation effectively.

Competitive Pay: A Top Priority

Gen Z has been significantly impacted by economic uncertainties and rising living costs. As a result, a competitive salary is the top priority for this generation when considering employment opportunities. Offering a competitive compensation package is crucial to

attracting and retaining Gen Z talent. Studies have shown that over two-thirds of individuals under 25 are more likely to apply to a job advert if it includes pay information.

Meaningful Corporate Values & Diversity

Gen Z values purpose-driven careers and seeks to be part of something meaningful. Companies that align their values with those of Gen Z are more likely to attract top talent. Additionally, this generation emphasises the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Having female and non-binary senior leaders can significantly influence their decision to join an organisation.

Mental Health Support: A Necessity

Gen Z is characterised by its openness and awareness of mental health issues. Employers must acknowledge and provide support for their mental well-being. Around 55% of Gen Z has experienced mental health challenges, making it crucial for organisations to offer accessible mental health services, such as subsidised healthcare or employee assistance programs.

Emphasise Learning & Development

With a strong desire to grow professionally, Gen Z highly values employers who offer ample learning and development opportunities. Providing chances to learn new skills and explore topics of interest not only enhances their performance at work but also boosts their job satisfaction and loyalty.

In-Person Connection: Balancing Hybrid Work

Despite growing up in a digital world, Gen Z craves in-person interactions. Organisations must find a balance between remote work and in-person collaboration to cater to this preference. In-person interactions help Gen Z feel connected to their colleagues and managers, contributing to a more positive work experience.

Where to Find Gen Z Talent

Understanding where Gen Z talent looks for job opportunities is crucial for effective recruitment. Recent graduates often rely on job boards and career networking sites, while non-graduates may turn to social media platforms like TikTok and YouTube for job search support. Utilising social media and employee referrals can greatly assist in attracting Gen Z candidates, while maintaining a strong employer brand is essential for engaging them.


As the digital economy expands, Gen Z talent becomes increasingly vital for organisations seeking to thrive in this technologically driven era. Attracting, recruiting, and retaining Gen Z employees requires adapting to their preferences and priorities. Offering competitive pay, embodying meaningful corporate values, providing mental health support, emphasising learning opportunities, and creating opportunities for in-person connection are all essential strategies. Understanding where Gen Z looks for job opportunities and maintaining a strong employer brand will enhance your organisation's ability to secure top tech talent. In the end, embracing the unique strengths of this digital generation will position your organisation for success in the rapidly evolving business landscape.

If you need further guidance on how to attract the best Gen Z talent, please don't hesitate to reach out to our team. We would be more than happy to assist you.

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