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Our Sectors


Here at TEC Partners our team of specialist Engineering Recruitment Consultants use their expertise to provide a tailor-made service when supporting their engineering clients’ hiring needs.  This is across multiple sectors.  We focus across all levels from graduate to C-level.  Whilst our focus is on East Anglia, London, and Thames Valley, we are experienced at placing across the whole of the UK and further afield.

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The Gaming industry has gone from strength to strength in recent years, and TEC Partners support some of the gaming industry’s most recognised names with their recruitment. This exciting sector is highly collaborative and our dedicated consultants utilise their extensive networks of gaming professionals around the globe to provide the very best, specialised gaming talent across the UK, Europe and the US.

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TEC Partners are a true technology specialist, with our IT and Digital divisions at the very heart of our business. Our technology teams are made up of specialist recruitment consultants, dedicated to specific disciplines within the Technology sector. Each consultant is committed to attracting the very best technical talent for businesses of all scales within the technology space.

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The world of science is all around us and ever changing.  Consequently your recruitment needs within the scientific sector will be shifting at an ever increasing rate. With each new project comes exciting opportunities to recruit outstanding scientific talent. But this can only happen because of TEC Partners' reach and experience in the market, alongside our intrinsic knowledge of the scientific sector.

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